border of extacy

florence the creator29 / they/them / femme lesbian / white idiot / MA, USAi like difficult music and cats and my girlfriend and food. weird shit is always happening around me.god hates me for being alive ❤️

kofi for throwing a treat into my enclosure
• no minors i'm old
• i sometimes post or rt nsfw text/jokes
• ai/machine learning supporters get out

i don't really care about this but if you firmly identify with the term "proship" or "anti"... we are probably not going to get along. that being said:1. no incest or pedophilia in my home. if you are very engaged with things like minor/adult pairings, incest, or fetishization of noncon/abuse, please get off my lawn.
2. i place a lot of value on my favored "character pairings". if you dislike "shipping" as a "whole" then this may not be the account for you. shipping is how i connect with media and i shan't apologize for it.
poggers girl

fate series
i am a horrendous little bitch who places high value on Character Pairings. i will never change.
rin/luvia, jeanne/jalter, saber/irisviel, okita/nobunaga, hokusai/suzuka, brynhildr/sigurd, oryou/ryoumaany possible combination of texas+lappland+exusiai, franka/liskarm, ch'en/hoshiguma, shining/nearleirin/kaguya, kanako/suwako, marisa/alice, miko/tojiko, honestly whatever it's 2020other stuff i post about
the chernobyl disaster
sometimes true crime [blacklist "true crime podcast" to avoid my impassioned rants on this topic. i am normal and do not want to fuck any serial killers.]
fountain pens [mostly flex nibs]
real historical ryouma sakamoto, who i am in love with
i have 2 roommates, rosie and alpha. we live in hell!
my nice gf, lette
my cat, sapphy

"reminded me of you due to the lack of pants" -yossarian"like. the fact that u showed me nightswimming by R.E.M. but also shared the CRUNCHIEST bass I've ever heard in a song yesterday amazes me" -andy"You are nonbinary Moses descending Sinai with the lesbian commandments" -fae"I wouldn’t stand around in an alley and hurl slurs at anyone but you 💕💕" -my girlfriend, lette"i appreciate how my arknights tl is usually only jan talking about someone's divorce" -anto"saw u tweeting about a reizoko cj song once & since then i was absolutely sure we would get along" -lyra"a true friend and hero" -mairead"jan was dead on the couch last night and i brought them toast and they started going on a rant about how okita's thighs are her charm point" -rosie

i am literally completely obsessed with yugioh gx and i am not being normal about it. i want to microwave all these characters. i also think most of them are trans and of those only half are remotely near the canonical gender they started with (see here). if you are going to follow me please just know i am fucking insane and i will never is my yugioh tumblrfavorite characters include mokuba, pegasus, bakura (ryou), manjoume, fubuki, and kaiser ryo. honorable mention to pharaoh for his Roungdness
[i am aware that the above sets me up for prime Kalin Kessler Brain Rot. please wait warmly.]
idols/fuburyo, soulship/juuyube, spirit, fiance (in a distinctly t4t way), ego, gx rivals
for dm i only really care about bakura/malik (angstshipping)
look at my kuriboh tattoo